Direct Quote Vs Paraphrase

When quoting vs paraphrasing use exactly the same words as author used in the original writing.

Direct quote vs paraphrase. Quotations tend to stick out. Most college professors demand students apply this method sparingly limiting the amount of direct quotes to no more than 10 percent of their whole text. Both direct and indirect quotes use the information from the original.

Choose a direct quote when it is more likely to be accurate than would summarizing or paraphrasing when what you re quoting is the text you re analyzing when a direct quote is more concise that a summary or paraphrase would be and conciseness matters when the author is a particular authority whose exact words would lend credence to your argument and when the author has used particularly effective language that is just too good to pass up. Should i paraphrase or quote. This is done to utilize a reference from a scientist s work as the reference point and move further with the study.

Of course you should do some quoting. If you can quote a few words or a phrase instead of an entire sentence do it. They must match the source document word for word and must be attributed to the original author.

When quoting it is not necessary to quote an entire section or even the complete sentence but only the relevant section. This limitation aims at insuring originality of papers. The direct quote also uses the exact words while the indirect quote does not.

In general use direct quotations only if you have a good reason. Quotation marks are not used. A paraphrase and an indirect quotation are the same thing.

When the teacher encourages you to paraphrase rather than to quote directly it means that he or she wants to see whether you have really understood the core idea or concept that you are referring to. A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original source. Quotations must be identical to the original using a narrow segment of the source.

Most of your paper should be in your own words. While most people have an idea about direct quoting it is not always clear what we mean by paraphrasing. Many times one needs to acquire assistance from another author s work.

Both direct and indirect quotes need to be cited in the text and listed in the works cited references page. What is a paraphrase. When paraphrasing usually a complete section is used.

It is the simplest way to use a source. They draw attention to themselves and away from your ideas so keep them to a minimum and keep them short. It is generally better to paraphrase than to quote.