Margaret Thatcher Quotes Freedom

Enjoy the best margaret thatcher quotes at brainyquote.

Margaret thatcher quotes freedom. In order to be considered truly free countries must also have a deep. Lewis on government economics and freedom. Being democratic is not enough a majority cannot turn what is wrong into right.

If you have to tell people you are you aren t. Margaret thatcher quotes quotable quote in the end more than freedom they wanted security. The place to have trials or accusations is a court of law the common law that has come right up from magna carta which has come right up through the.

Although i have done a few takes on ronald reagan quotes such as his famous one on how america is the last stand of freedom left on earth i ve done nothing about margaret thatcher. Not only was margaret thatcher britain s first female prime minister but she was also the longest running prime minister since 1827. So from now on i ll try to focus more on those that stood up to communism in some of the world s darkest days.

Speeches on home and european affairs 1975 1988. Share with your friends. This autumn will mark 30 years since margaret thatcher departed 10 downing street as the first woman and longest serving british prime minister of the 20th century.

Posted in economic freedom news and events tagged capitalism economic systems margaret thatcher socialism united kingdom related posts 6 quotes. 87 quotes from margaret thatcher. Quote from our abuse of law quotes all things bright and beautiful quotes being wrong quotes civil liberty quotes democracy quotes freedom quotes margaret thatcher quotes respect quotes categories.

They wanted a comfortable life and they lost it all security comfort and freedom. What an amazing tenure it was. If you want anything done ask a woman don t follow the crowd let the crowd follow you and being powerful is like being a lady.

The revival of britain. In politics if you want anything said ask a man. Margaret thatcher freedom quotes 16 sourced quotes.

The freedom of peoples depends fundamentally on the rule of law a fair legal system. View all margaret thatcher quotes. In 1979 the iron lady assumed the premiership of a country riven with labor strife racked by stagflation and run down by decades of nanny government.