Nikola Tesla Be Alone Quote

167 quotes from nikola tesla.

Nikola tesla be alone quote. To see what your friends thought of this quote please sign up. Friends who liked this quote. In 1875 tesla was enrolled in the austrian polytechnic school he was a fantastic student in his first year earning exceptional grades not long after tesla lost his way he started gambling and missing school in doing so he lost his scholarship.

Be alone that is the secret of invention. If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration i don t care that they stole my idea. Nikola tesla be alone that is the secret of invention.

602 likes all members who liked this quote. More from antarctica journalcarl sandburg quote discover creative solituderalph waldo emerson quote independence of solitudecartoon everybody listens but nobody speakswalter bagehot quote the pain of a new ideaquote music and artkenneth rexroth quote the. The nikola tesla treasury p 243 simon and schuster 93 copy quote today s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.

Born on 9 10 july 1856 in smiljan austrian empire nikola tesla was an electrical engineer and the inventor of the tesla coil. Be alone that is when ideas are born.